

Friday, August 26, 2011

This is the newest addition to the family .  My daughter has taken to knocking flies out with a fly swatter and using tweezers to feed them.  Its pretty funny how careful and explaining how shes just taking care of her plant .   The circle of life she says.  So cute.

You can see her small sacrifice on one of the traps!

have a great weekend !

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I get so excited about the future than reality beats me to death. 

I had three orders go poof via the USPS, car accident,  an emergency room visit , and my daughter throwing crazy fits about having to get up early for school. 

I am just glad that it all happened in a week and  now maybe more good will come!

First day of school !

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Breaking Even

Today was a bit of bad and good all wrapped up into one!

I went for a long run and walked out a few stickers, since it has been so long.  Worked my ass off and came home and could not stay away from cake and ice cream.  Seriously that is all I ate today.  Well I will not hate myself I will call it even!

Temptress #1

Temptress #2

I hope I am not the only one that has days like this! 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Feeling Positive

I have been going through a sort of metamorphosis in  both  my personal life, and business life.  Shedding my  skin, and becoming the person I want  to be. 

 The people that were bad for me have faded away or changed for the better.  My work has become something that moves me and gives me such pleasure .  You could probably tell by the way my shop has changed that things are going in another direction.

Here is a book on my bedside table.

I will be around more next week!   Enjoy your weekend. 


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